Program Completion Requirements


Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded a Diploma.


Students are tested at the end of each power point or skills set. Tests are hands on written and oral. A hands-on test is given pertinent to the specific skill set or breed of study for that day. Students are tested on their individual accuracy of styles that are breed specific. Students are also tested on their homework assignments, their ability to control the animal, their creative and artistic ability and their ability to deliver a finished product in a timely fashion.

Probation and Interruption for Unsatisfactory Progress

Students receiving below a "C", at the end of any month will be placed on academic probation, for a maximum of two months, the student will not be recommended for placement until successful completion. The probation period will last two months, and, during this period, the grade score must be raised to "C"or better. Failure to achieve a passing grade during academic probation will result in termination of enrollment. (Veterans see Attachment N)

Credit for prior learning

Acceptance of credits earned and credit for prior learning (maximum 50%) at this institution will be at the discretion of the Director after a demonstration of skills. This testing is an institutionally developed skills test. (See page 18)

Course numbering system

The prefixes are characters that represent the type of program and the number represent the sequence in which they are taught.

Clock hour

A clock hour is defined as a period of 60 minutes with a minimum of 50 minutes in the presence of an instructor.

Graduation Requirements

A diploma will be presented to the student that has completed all clock hours and programs, has passed all tests with a grade of 70 or above, has paid in full all tuition and costs of equipment and supplies.





Placement assistance for qualified students.




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